Container image creation tool
CEKit helps to build container images from image definition files with strong focus on modularity and code reuse.
Image descriptors
Define container images in YAML format which is easy to read and parse!
from: ""
name: "ubi8/openjdk-8"
version: "1.10"
description: "Source To Image (S2I) image for Red Hat OpenShift providing OpenJDK 1.8"
See the
OpenJDK image
for full example.
Image testing built-in
It's easy to write tests for your container images.
Scenario: Check that common labels are correctly set
Given image is built
Then the image should contain label version
And the image should contain label name
And the image should contain label io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url with value image:///usr/local/s2i
By default we support multiple test steps. If that's not enough you can
write your own too!
Module descriptors define building blocks for container images.
Compose images out of modules. Store
them on GitHub, share and reuse them between your images!
Multiple builders support
Build images using Docker, Buildah, Podman, OSBS. See our builder engine documentation!