CEKit 3.3.1 released

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We have another exciting announcement in the pocket: the 3.3.1 version was just released!

Version 3.3.0 was never released due to the fact that we encountered issues with PyPi which made it impossible to push version 3.3.0 again. There are no changes in the code between version 3.3.0 and 3.3.1.

Say hi to 3.3.1!

This release focuses on documentation improvements, especially in for modules. Other bigger change is that this we have fixed Dockerfile generation so that the Docker layer cache can be reused.

You can read the full changelog on GitHub.

Module version is required

Please note that although in documentation we have stated that module’s version key is required, we did not enforce it until now. This has been fixed and the version key requirement is enforced.

If you have modules without version — it’s a good time to fix it because builds will start fo fail.

Docker layer reuse

Template used to generate the Dockerfile was updates so that we can now utilize properly Docker layer cache. This is especially important when you develop the image locally. This saves a lot of time when doing rebuilds.

Updated image help pages

Image help pages were redesigned and extended. These should now provide all the required information about the image in a format that is nice to read.

Updated documentation

We’ve spend some time on updating the documentation too!

Module guidelines include now information about naming and versioning! We strongly suggest to read and follow these. This will make your life easier.

Additionally we added similar documentation for artifacts. Hope you will find it useful!


This release is immediately available on PyPI. Packages were built for Fedora and EPEL too.

Latest packages submitted for particular Fedora or EPEL versions can be found always in Bodhi. Besides this you can always see latest CEKit builds in Koji.